Past lives
Have we lived before?
We are all spiritual beings experiencing a human existence on Earth for a short period. What is real and what is not real? If past lives are real, then this surely challenges our beliefs about the world which we think we live in.
Out of body experiences
Reports from many people who have out of body experiences, either in hospital or in fatal accidents all report similarities of going to the light or seeing spirits who say ‘its not your time yet.’
Children’s memories of past lives
Children up to the age of five report memories of remembering having different parents and living in different places. Investigations report facts and sometimes have birthmarks identified to be similar to those of the deceased person as being correct.
Specialised hypnosis
People like Michael Newton and Brian Weiss who trained as hypnotherapists and psychologists, used hypnosis over many years, to regress their clients into past lives and into the spirit world. They have also written books on their findings that coincide with similar evidence also reported by Dolores Cannon, creator of Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique. So why is it that different regressions are reporting similar information?
What is a past life experience like?
‘It is like being awake in a dream.’
Many people expect to ‘see’ a film. It does not work in that way. It is more like remembering a specific event, e.g., Christmas day and who you were with. The mental picture and ‘seeing it’ and that thought evolves into a story, just like a dream. The past life event starts with a random picture in your mind and evolves.
Everyone experiences something different, regardless of their spiritual beliefs or cultural background.
When people report similarities in the type and texture of clothing they are wearing, the taste of food that they eat, the descriptions of the buildings and sometimes the place names, these experiences are very real to the person.
The people I have regressed, have varied in age between 14 to late 70’s. They have come from varied professions and backgrounds – students, social workers, teachers, scientists, manual workers, office staff, naval officers and retired managers. Their past life experiences range from going back in time from fifty years to many thousands of years or unknown time periods and even off world places.
Most past life experiences also reveal life struggles and particular challenges living at that time, that coincidentally reflect in their current lifetime.
Are past lives real?
It is difficult to scientifically prove that past lives reported are real. From the amount of detail that is reported witnessed, together with place names and dates, it is not known where the information comes from.
Reported dates can be incorrect when checked with historic information, but how do we know that our historic records are correct? Quite often, people living average lives had little knowledge or interest on historic events going on elsewhere. The world was a very big place and day to day living and surviving, was the most important thing.
The most interesting thing is that many people report that their experience is three dimensional and they are aware of much more than they can talk about.
So why are we here?
Many people have no idea why they are here. According to Dolores Cannon and other past life regressionists, it is to work through karma.
Karma is the balance of cause and effect. So if you have treated someone badly in a past life, your karmic debt to now repay (and learn from) is that you reincarnate again to experience someone do the same thing to you so that you are now on the receiving end of what you did. When we are born, the memory of the Karmic lesson, is purposely erased so people cannot cheat on the learning and the experience.
If the karmic lesson is not understood, then the lesson will be repeated until, it is understood. The past life (or it could be more than one) you experience, are to help you understand what karma you may be here to be working on.